Monday, January 30, 2012

The Land of Dreams

I got a text message from your Mother Tuesday morning January 24 "Lyla slept all night last night!!!" How wonderful. Early Monday morning a bad storm passed through Birmingham. A tornado did a lot of damage in the Trussville area. The only good part of the storm was your Dad unexpectedly had a day at home with you...maybe he kept you busy all day & you slept all night from exhaustion. But you have slept all night several times now so maybe it's going to become a routine event. are definitely not a "napper"...unless you are in a stroller! I have found even if I put you in your stroller & push you around in the house you are asleep in a moment. You have napped over an hour on a stroller ride. In contrast, even if you're sound asleep in my arms, when I lay you down for a nap in the "pack & play", you don't sleep very long, if at all. Maybe you just like to be in motion. On Friday morning I was playing with you on the floor of your bedroom and put you on your tummy....and you rolled over to your back. It's not truly an official "roll over" unless witnessed by your parents, but you'll do it again soon I'm sure. It is wonderful to be a regular part of your life and watch you grow & change. You are an amazing & precious little girl with a beautiful smile & a delightful laugh!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Giving you a bath.

Because there will be several Wednesday and Thursday evenings when your Dad is taking a class in graduate school while your mom is working until 8 pm, I had to be brave and learn to give you a bath all by myself. I watched your Dad do it several times and even made notes because I knew if I forgot something I couldn’t leave you to go get it. Although this picture isn’t actually me bathing you, it does reflect how much you enjoy a bath! The first night I forgot a wash cloth & used your socks as a substitute. But the second night it was flawless. You laugh & smile all through your bath and it was really a fun time. One would think since I’ve lived almost 60 years now I would have learned most of the “first time things” I worry about are truly nothing to worry about. Maybe my next independent adventure will be to take you on an outing in the car, probably to the mall. Tomorrow you will be four months old; 1/3 of a year. Your 3-month size pajamas are getting too small! You will get your second round of immunizations on Wednesday. Every week when I go to your house there is evidence you’re getting older. Now you have a chair at the table waiting for you to sit in it & eat your first solid food. You are such a joy to hold. I’m going to do it all I can because before long there will be a tricycle waiting for you to ride and then a car waiting for you to drive….oh my! But one thing that will never change...your big smile and beautiful face will always be a part of you.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Two warm January days!

I spent the day with you Thursday & Friday. You are especially delightful after you wake up in the morning. You smile and play and seem to really enjoy yourself! One
morning you stayed in your bed happily “talking” to yourself until your bedroom filled up with enough natural light your camera (yes, we have a camera on you and watch you constantly; you have no privacy!) displayed you in full color
instead of the infrared camera picture in the dark. It was amazing to see such a reminder of how beautiful you are. Right now you have 2 favorite toys: pink bunny & multi-colored plastic chain (visible in picture!). The weather was
good both days and I enjoyed taking you out in your stroller. We went to CVS drugstore together; our first shopping expedition! I bought you a magazine summarizing what happened in 2011. Amazingly your birth wasn’t mentioned although it was the best thing that happened in 2011! On Friday afternoon you wouldn’t take a nap but it was obvious you were very tired. My solution was to hold you for 2 hours while you slept. Not a good long term “nap solution” but it was a joy to hold you close for so long. You aren’t going to be a small baby for very much longer. You are growing so quickly. Although you aren’t napping well right now, eventually I’m sure you will since you are very close to a perfect baby.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Holidays 2011

It's hard to believe it's 2012! When I was young I can remember thinking how far away 1970 would be. That was the year I graduated from high school. To give it a little should graduate in 2029 or 2030 ...depending on when you start school since you are a "September baby". And you will be my age in 2071. And if you live as long as your Great-grandmother Hastie you will see 2100 arrive. But let's not rush things...back to New Year's 2012. I spent the night with you New Year's Eve and you conveniently woke up for a bottle at 11:40 pm so I got to usher in the 2012 with you. What a treat. On New Year's Day 2011 I learned you were on your way! What a difference a year has made. Actually I can see a difference in you every week. But 2012 should be a big year of MANY will learn to walk and although you're already "talking", you will be saying things we can understand a little better. You are going to have many adventures including camping out overnight and swimming in your neighborhood pool just to name two. But it is very important for me to just enjoy today and what you are doing right now because it goes by so quickly. And that is not hard to do because you are so precious & so fun to hold and so pretty to look at. I hope 2012 is your best year ever! Happy New Year Baby Lyla!