Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year 2013 with Lyla

Sheep Riding

It’s 2013! Maybe I should not have included 2011 in the title of my blog? However, since that’s the year you were born, maybe it is a good idea. Because your Dad was off during the holidays I have not spent a lot of time with you recently. But you came to our house Christmas Day and I got to spend New Year’s Eve with you. Your parents “tweet” pictures & videos which keep me updated with your progress.  At your doctor’s visit yesterday you were 22 lbs (50th percentile) and 33” tall (95th percentile). You are such a busy, happy, smart (and tall) little girl! One of my favorite pictures is Lylabear”; but they all make me smile.  Starting next week I will be back on my routine “Lyla schedule”. Because I have been at the same job for almost 23 years I have a lot of vacation as well as the opportunity to work remote while you are sleeping which gives me the flexibility to be a regular part of your life and still be employed full time. I have plans to be retired this time next year and work only part time so I hope to remain a regular part of your life...and your future sibling(s)! On Christmas Day the Green grandchildren were also at our house. You had a lot of fun with Jacob (11) and Abigail (8) and Jackson (5). Abigail enjoyed pulling you around the house in the new wagon from Great Grandmother Hastie. It will be fun to play with your new toys the next time I’m at your house. During the holidays I’ve been organizing old pictures. I made an album of the dogs I’ve had in the past; from Jacques in 1968 to Frankie who is now 12 years old. Dogs have been a big part of my life. You really enjoy Sunday the dog who is so good at cleaning up whatever you drop on the floor. When I spent the night with you New Year’s Eve you let me read a lot of books to you and you let me hold you and rock you after your bottle before you went to bed. That was special. I am so glad you love books! You still love the 1st book I ever read to you—Snuggle Puppy. But you have many books you like. You also enjoy finding moons in your books. You are a very smart girl!
In Birmingham, 2013 is going to be a year of commemorating several civil rights events which occurred 50 years ago in 1963. Although I was only 11 years old I clearly remember the events including Martin Luther King’s (MLK) April 16 “Letter from Birmingham Jail” & use of fire hoses & police dogs by “Bull Connor” during Birmingham protests in May & Medgar Evans murder in Jackson, Mississippi in June &  MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech at Lincoln Memorial August 28 & September 15 Bombing at Sixteenth Ave Baptist Church in Birmingham which killed four young girls Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins. I would like to participate in some of the 2013 events in Birmingham. Maybe you can participate in the 2063 events when you are 52 years old! In the meantime I’m looking forward to all of our time together in 2013!
PS I’m having trouble up-loading pictures to the Blog so I’ll have to try again later!