Wednesday, February 6, 2013

You change every week!

Lyla Bear!

Sheep riding

Tree Hugging at University Oaks 

Visiting Great Grandmother Hastie
Helping Granny

Bitty Baby with new Potty
Visiting Granny's Office

Watching geese with favorite dog!

One change I noticed is your increased independence. For the first time when we went to the Chace Lake Swings you took off on your own, heading toward the street & the parking lot. When we went to Buy Buy Baby you darted off to another aisle before I knew it. I realize I must be  hyper-vigilant to keep such an independent curious girl safe. You are very alert to sounds. From inside the house you can hear an overhead plane or helicopter (which you pronounce an adorable way I can’t spell) and if possible we hurry outside to see it. When we’re outside you love to watch the birds & the geese fly overhead. The talented geese can walk, swim or fly and always travel in pairs.  Your vocabulary is expanding every day. Like your Sesame Street friend Abby Cababby, you love words. You are bilingual which is so special. I can’t “wrap my tongue” around Hebrew words the way you do but I am able to recognize the Hebrew words for “juice” and “water” and “trees” which is a start. You have started to color with crayons in an Elmo coloring book. We have started watching Elmo together on TV and on-line. And you are grieving the loss of our favorite Hebrew song on You Tube. Your Dad thinks it’s a copyright issue. At least you have it on CD in the car! Although I spent New Year’s Eve and the night of Feb 2 at your house I didn’t spend the night at your house at all in January. But we did spend a lot of time together. Your mother and I took you to Mobile to visit Great Grandmother. You delighted the residents of University Oaks where she lives. You were happy & sweet & funny & well-behaved. There was snow on Jan 17 and tornado conditions on Jan 30. You came to breakfast at University Hospital Jan 31 and one day we had lunch at Newk’s followed by a visit to my office in Jefferson Towers.  President Barack Obama was inaugurated for his 2nd term, we visited your 2 month old cousin Micah at Brookwood where he has continued to grow and improve. Maybe we'll visit him at home soon. Your father made wonderful pictures of precious “Lyla Bear” on the prowl! And you came to breakfast at UH with your mom. Alabama football team won another national championship & you used the potty for the 1st time! Just a few things in  January 2013--a busy month. I’m so glad I got to share so much of it with you.