Saturday, November 9, 2013



You are quite an optimist! When you are told something is not likely to happen, in such a sweet & hopeful voice you say “Maybe…”  It is very inspiring to me. Last Sunday we went to the mall to ride the carousel. It was closed to get ready to exchange the usual animals with holiday reindeer. Although it wasn’t going to happen, rather than get upset, you said “Maybe…”.  At the mall we rode the escalator several times and played with Legos and looked at the “build a bears”. I thought you would want to ride the “train” but when we got close to it, you changed your mind. We still had a good time. I was lucky to be the one to take you to school the morning of Halloween. Although you didn’t wear a costume, the teachers and the older children were dressed up. It was fun to be at your house Halloween night & give out candy and see you have so much fun with your friends. You were a bumble bee…without wings or antennae. The cutest bee ever! You have enjoyed the many Halloween decorations at the home of your neighbor who owns Simba the cat and Digger the dog…two animals you really enjoy. We visit there a lot. Our rides to and from school have changed a little. Rather than sing songs most of the trip, you want to talk about what you see…the “hidden bus”, the horses and sheep and yellow school buses and traffic lights. You know green means “go” and red means “stop”.  You are very observant and curious about the things you see. I love the picture of you reading books in your bed. Books and reading are so much fun! You have such wonderful parents. I admire their patience and consistency and obvious love for you, and for each other. I’m so glad I have opportunities to be with you on a regular basis. You are growing up so quickly. Sometimes you’re not happy to see me because you think my arrival means your parents are not going to be around for awhile. But you seem to adjust quickly…especially if you can find a tube of chapstick in my pocket. I love to hear you call out “Granny!” when you wake up. On Halloween afternoon you couldn’t seem to fall asleep at naptime. I knew you needed a “pre-trick or treat nap” so finally I got you out of bed and rocked you until you fell asleep then slipped to the floor out of the rocker and held you napping on the floor. You only slept an hour however. It’s hard for me to believe you are over two years old now. I want to be a part of your life for many more years and see what a wonderful grown up you will become. But I don’t want to rush it. I will treasure every opportunity I have to be with you. And that is not a “maybe”.