Saturday, April 4, 2015

March 2015-Spring is here!!

Today you are at the beach at Gulf Shores with your parents. It’s a beautiful day and from the pictures your Mom is “tweeting”, I know you are having a great time!!
I had a lot of good times with you in March. Monday, March 2 you came to UAB Hospital with your Mother. The 3 of us had lunch together and we walked around while your Mother had an appointment. It’s always fun to walk around the hospital with you. Friday, March 6 you didn’t have school. Your father went to your school for a parent-teacher conference & because he went camping after school and your mother was working until 8 pm, for the first time since early January I had the opportunity to give you your bath & put you to bed...and the first time ever to put you in your “big girl bed”. We had a great day. We played with dominoes and watched TV then after lunch we went to Krispy Kreme. You played there with 2 sweet girls named after flowers...Lillie & Rosie. It’s always fun to see you interact with new peers. You are very sweet with other children. Then we went to Chuck E Cheese and you were disappointed the sweet older girl, Oona, you played with last time was not there. I guess it’s normal to expect to see the same people at the same place; you remained hopeful she would appear but you did enjoy playing with some other children. On the way home we shopped at Winn Dixie and you pushed your own little grocery cart & picked out some snack items you could have. It was fun. At bedtime you were very clever to tell me your parents would put the night light into your room until you fell asleep. When I communicated with your mother she told me that was what you always asked them to do but they never actually agreed to do so. So I promptly took out the night light and you didn’t almost pulled it off! I need to be more aware of what is actually okay for you to do. Saturday morning I played with you while your mother got ready for a visit from her friend who lives in Atlanta. You were excited because her girls (Madie & Jojo) were going to spend the night at your house! You were very sweet when I left taking Sunday the dog home with me for a long visit. I love to get hugs & “I love you Granny” shouts as I leave. On March 10 there were workers at your house fixing the stairs. It was a rainy day and we almost made it to school early but a slip in the yard necessitated a last minute clean up, but we weren’t late. We ate lunch at Taziki’s and stayed a long time. It’s always good to have time with you when we are not in a hurry. After playing at home we got ready for gymnastics but we ended up having to rush. It was raining but we made it in time to stop at Brusters for ice cream to eat in the car and still get to gymnastics in time. You like for me to stand & watch you in gymnastics. It is always fun to watch you. Even though your Dad came before your class ended, I stayed until the end of gymnastics. I’m always a little sad as I leave you but it’s good to know I’ll see you again soon.
On Friday the 13th I parked the car on the street at your school & walked you in to your class while I was carrying Annie the dog. When the weather gets warmer I’m hoping we can walk to your school together. Or maybe just walk home together since it would require an earlier start to walk to school! When we got home after school Annie got out of the car and ran down the street. You didn’t have a shirt on (it’s “itchy” and you always want to take it off in the car). It was very cool and the dog was headed to the street, I called at you to stop and you ignored me & kept running. It was scary to me and I talked to you firmly about how important it is for you to obey to stay safe. It reminded me of how little control we actually have over our children and how vulnerable they can be. It means a lot to me that you are being raised by loving parents who are doing such a good job with you. We had a fun afternoon playing together including doing a little bit of yoga from your “flash cards” as well as doing puzzles and coloring. I enjoyed learning about Bear, Bunny, Bumble Bee, Snake & Elephant breathing techniques. I need to practice them!
On Monday, March 16 I picked you up at school and we had a picnic lunch (Grilled Cheese sandwiches from Waffle House) at Olmstead Park by the school. You enjoyed the great weather and the many kids at the park. Your Mom came about 3 pm & I went home until Wednesday morning when you & I and Annie the dog walked to school together for the first time!  After school we had lunch at the park again (this time Grilled cheese from Jimbo’s) and stayed for a long time. The crowd at the park changes as the HMS kids come out for play time & neighborhood kids come to play and some of your classmates come to play after lunch time. After we walked home you played with Emmie across the street who was visiting her grandparents with her newborn brother Wyatt. You had a busy & fun day. I stayed overnight and on Thursday you woke up early enough to hurry outside for a hug from your mother before she left for work. We walked to school again with Annie. After school we walked to the new restaurant in Mt. Laurel for lunch. You enjoyed being able to color on the paper table cloth. Because it looked like rain we walked home where you rested on the sofa watching cartoons then we played outside in the front yard until your Dad came home and I left. Wednesday March 26 I was waiting for you on the “butterfly bench” after you got out of school and we had grilled cheese sandwiches in the park again and you played with lots of kids and I enjoyed visiting with Georgia’s mother until time to walk you home because your parents were both there. Sunday, March 29 you and Sunday and Annie spent the night at our house. Your Dad was off and going to paint the bathroom on Monday and did not want to have you and the dogs around the fumes and bored because he was busy. You & Annie slept with were very good (although you woke up several times due to stormy weather) but Annie did not sleep well at all! Before you went to sleep you had to make sure everything was “just so” in the bedroom...all of the drawers closed and the clothes picked up etc. It’s good you like things neat & in order! You spent the day with me until I took you home about 3 pm. We played with play doh in the basement & had Cozy Coupe rides & walked the dogs & played our first card game of “go fish” and watched Calliou. When I took you home you played in your new sandbox, which was good practice before your “Spring Break” beach trip with your parents. I’ll see you again Tuesday if the few times it will be more than a week between times I see you. I know you will have changed a lot in just a week. You are growing up so quickly. So glad I’m getting to watch it happen!

At the beach yesterday-flying a kite!

On the deck at Granny's house!

Playing at the park (Georgia in Green dress)

Resting & watching Calliou

Picnic at the park!

Pushing a friend at the park

Outside Tazkiki's

At Chuck E Cheese

Shopping with your mom in a favorite dress