Monday, May 4, 2015

You are going to be a Big Sister!!

Your new bicycle!

A cool day at the park!

Wind chime you made at school!

Working in your new garden
We got 2 milkshakes at Chic Fil A

At the Mt. Laurel Festival

Lunch at the park

You & Annie getting messy!

Another day of lunch at the park!

Sweeping the porch for Mommy!

Playing at the park

Sliding at the park

Tuesday-April 7-we played in park after school until time to get ready for gymnastics. We got ice cream at Brusters then when we got to gymnastics you said your outfit was “itchy” & although you went to join your gymnastics, you were crying. I was watching you & you came over to me & we went outside & I held you while you cried. Not sure what was going on. Maybe sunburn from beach trip? Tired? You were sweet. It made me sad for you to cry. Your Dad took you home & I went home.
Thursday- April 9-When you woke up you were so excited to show me your new garden in the back yard! We walked to school with Annie; after school we went to the park to eat lunch & play with lots of kids. It seemed as if the “shifts” changed at the park as kids came & left while we stayed. After we went home you home wrapped in blanket like it was a cape & played in the back yard with me & the dogs. You walked around singing the “Frozen” song, played in sandbox &  swept the back porch. You said it would make your mother happy for you to sweet the porch! You were happy & sweet.
Saturday-Sunday April 11-12. I met you at your friend Wilder’s birthday party & stayed with you overnight while you parents went to Atlanta. We went to the Festival in Mt. Laurel where you bravely went down a big bouncy slide many times & jumped in a Frozen themed “bouncy House” for a long time. You really enjoyed the festival! I spent the night at your house alone with you for the first time since your move there and since you’ve been out of your crib. I tried to sleep in your bed with you but after you went soundly to sleep (about 3 am) I left & went to “my” bed at your house. Sunday we played inside and watched Caillou & Olivia. One of the Olivia cartoons included a child pretending to be a ghost in the pretend hotel in their house (it was a snow storm & several friends from school spent the night at Olivia’s). You wanted to watch the ghost part over & over even though it scared you a little. You have since made sure that whenever you watch Olivia it is not “the ghost one”!

April 14-Your mom told you there was going to be a new baby. You will be a big sister!!!

April 15-When I dropped you off at school the teachers said everyone at school knew about the baby! Before we left for school you changed mind about shoes 3 times!  We went to the park to play; Bella Lee there w/ her mom. I didn’t have lunch so we walked to Jimbo’s where you had a “crying fit” about wanting sweet cereal to eat. I carried you out & we ate at home! You made a mess playing in sandbox with mostly water & rain. Sunday had bath & Lu got cleaned up!  You drove your pink “Hello Kitty car” outside while your Dad went jogging up the mountain. I spent the night at your house.
April 16-You changed mind about clothes 4 times! Very difficult. New rule from your Dad: even if I have to sit on you to get you dressed, not changing your mind about what clothes to wear. It was a rainy day. I listened to children read in your classroom. It is neat to watch you do your jobs while I’m in the classroom. You inside all afternoon-playing in PJ’s & watching Caillou & playing upstairs “toy room” a long time. Outside for walk with dogs after Dad home.  Very sweet!

Tuesday, April 21-you & your mother were sick! I got lunch from Taziki’s & we played at your house. You gave me a sweet birthday card with a message written on the envelope which you said read “Happy Birthday Granny. I love you the most. Always remember that”. What a wonderful message!!
Wednesday, April 22-I came back to your house before your Dad left for work. You didn’t go to school but we went to Galleria Mall about 10:00 am where you visited Tata, rode the carousel, got cotton candy & a pretzel, ate lunch & played at the Lego store & rode around in the stroller. On the way back I stopped for gas and realized it was the first time I’d ever pumped gas with you with me. I spent the night at your house.

Thursday, April 23- you went back to school. It was very hard to wake you up & you were very fussy. Your Mother got up to help get you ready for school because you were being so difficult. When you got to school Ms. Mary was very sweet to you and happy to see you back at school. After school we played at the park and walked to Jimbo’s where you were very sweet & ate grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. We played at your house until your mother got home & I went home. Because the spring pollen is causing your mother to having breathing problems & she can’t take one of her medications because she’s pregnant & the dogs bring the pollen in the house, Annie & Sunday went home with me for a while. You were not upset about them leaving, but I’m sure you miss them.
Wednesday, April 29-Whenever it’s been more than a few days since I’ve seen you I can always see signs that you have grown up more since I last saw you. more since I last saw you. You were very good getting ready for school & we took your shoes with us to put on in the car. A great idea because it made it impossible for you to change your mind about which shoes to wear! You’ve stopped wanting to walk to school. I think maybe walking across busy Highway 41 before school was a little scary to you. After school we went to the part where we stayed until almost 6 pm. It was an overcast day so it wasn’t hot and amazingly, all afternoon, kids to play with came & went almost as if they were on a schedule to play with you. It was a great day. I had a lot of snacks & a homemade grilled cheese sandwich and you were very good and played very hard! You slept all night long without waking up!

Thursday, April 30 we had a good morning. You did not want to go anywhere after school although I offered to take you to Chuck E Cheese or the park or out to eat. We stayed at your house and played with your toys & puzzles etc. And you rested and watched Caillou. After your Dad got home we played outside. You had a fall off your bicycle which didn’t seem to hurt you but did seem to scare you. You ride your new bike amazingly well (with training wheels) so this may have been your first big fall off your bike.  You sat in my lap while we watched a movie “We bought a zoo” which you liked a lot. I stayed until after supper and then headed home.
April has been a great month! I'm looking forward to our time together in May!