Thursday, September 15, 2011

December 1979

You are going to be born at UAB Hospital where your mother was born December 4, 1979. This is a picture of your mother with her nursery nurse Pam Patterson on the day she was going home from the hospital. Pam had been a student of mine at Samford University School of Nursing where I taught for 15 years. Pam still works at UAB and I'm hoping to get a picture of her with you & your mother before you go home. When you go home you may be wearing the same dress your mother has on in this picture. Your mother works as a nurse in Labor & Delivery at UAB where you will be born. The "circle of life" is amazing to me. I never dreamed Angela would live in Birmingham when she had a child, much less that she would deliver at UAB where she was working as a RN. Life is full of surprises! I've always been surprised to have a beautiful child since I'm so plain looking. But I won't be surprise that you are beautiful like your parents. Today your mom & Dad are going to visit Dr. Hoover, your OB MD. Maybe you will be born today September 15. If not, you will be here soon. What an amazing thing to think about and look forward to. During September 2011 Lyla Evelyn Rotter will be in the world!

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