Tuesday, November 22, 2011

11-22-11 (Reads the same backwards & forward!

Wow! This has been a busy few weeks. I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with you which has been priceless. Today I read you a book and you really paid attention. I was amazed! Because you sleep well at night but wake up after only a short nap, your mom got the idea you might nap better in the laundry room since it has no windows and is dark like it is at night. She moved your "pack & play" in there for nap time and it seems to be working. Longer naps would be great! You went to the doctor today due to a cough & you now weigh 10 lbs 14 oz. You are really growing. You are truly beautiful and smart & a lot of fun to hold! You smile & laugh & make sweet "talking noises". It may be a whole week before I see you again & I'm sure you'll be doing something new by then. I'm looking forward to it. I hope your cough gets better. Have a Happy Thanksgiving 2011!

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