Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Perfect Day

Although every day with you would qualify as perfect, Tuesday, August  14 was a specific one. I got to your house early and you were in your colorful stripped PJs “hanging out” with your Dad while your Mom was still at work. You and I went out on a walk with Sunday and ended the walk at the neighborhood swings.  Soon  after we got home your Dad left and your Mom got home.  The three of us played in your room for awhile before your Mom headed to bed. You did the most amazing thing…your Mom and I talked about a specific book you like (Where is Baby’s Belly Button?) and you went to your book shelf and searched for and found that specific book! It was not random…it was purposeful.  After your morning nap I dressed you in the cute outfit your Mom picked out for you and we went to Galleria Mall. We strolled around and rode the Merry-Go-Round; choosing the stationary giraffe rather than a horse going up and down.  Then your Savta Nitza met us in the food court. You were so delighted to see her! The two of you had a great visit then we went home for your afternoon nap. You talked and played in your bed and by the time you got fussy your Dad was home and suspected you might need a diaper change. This assumption (based on an episode yesterday which was why you were sleeping in winter PJs in the summer) was accurate and after a diaper change you finally went to sleep. Soon after your Mom woke up, your parents got ready to go to dinner with the Mt Brook HS History department where your Dad is the new senior class teacher! But first they got your dinner ready. When you realized they were leaving your got very upset. It seemed your heart was breaking! But as soon as they were gone,  you  were happy again. It seemed as if you felt like you had a responsibility to let them know you didn’t want them to go and after you accomplished that you were happy! I texted them the above picture to document your smile. Your Dad had shown me how to get Toddler Tunes via Pandora on my phone. I think listening to music while you ate helped make you happy. You ate a lot of supper, and so did Sunday who enjoyed what you dropped on the floor. After supper we went on another walk with Sunday, ending at the swings. You continued listening to Toddler Tunes while I sang along with the ones I knew and you said “Hi” to everyone who walked by. Due to your late nap it was 7:00 pm before your bath. You enjoyed your bath and let me cuddle you while you had your bedtime bottle. Although you “talked” a lot after I put you in bed. you were sleeping soundly when your parents came home and I went home at the end of a perfect day.

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