Saturday, November 10, 2012

Baby Lyla with problems Breathing :(

Albuterol per Elephant Face Nebulizer

Still Enjoying Food however

You had a respiratory virus which inflammed your airways and caused coughing & wheezing. & difficulty breathing. Your Dad took a picture of you in your Mother's lap getting a respiratory treatment at home. I met you at the doctor one day & went with you and your Mom the next day. Although you didn't feel well you were still sweet and loving and had a pretty good appetite. You have a increased risk of developing asthma like your Mother has. Although I don't have the experience of having asthma, I do have the experience of being a mother watching her little girl have have difficulty breathing. I hope you don't develop asthma, but if you do, you will have the very best care from the very best parents. I spent Thursday and Friday afternoons at your house and stayed over night Friday. I got to hold you & rock you to extend your nap when you weren't feeling well. You don't often want to be held & rocked. We went on a walk by the lake and you learned your friends the geese who fly overhead are the same friends who swim in and walk by the lake. I could almost see you make the connection when we talked about it. You are now taking several steps actually walking. You slept all night Friday night and we had a fun outing at the swings Saturday morning. You seem to absorb information about the things you see like a sponge. Your Mom was the delivery nurse for her long time friend Natalie who delivered her baby Nash this morning (Saturday). Your Mom is a wonderful delivery nurse. Your Dad went hiking with you on his back this afternoon. On Tuesday this week President Barack Obama was elected for a second term. This has been a busy week and I've gotten to see you a lot! Hope you keep feeling better and better and don't have any more difficulty breathing for a very long time!

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