Saturday, December 7, 2013

Singing & Dancing, Cousins & Thanksgiving and Birthdays

Yesterday when I put you down for your nap and left the room you softly sang many of the songs you like for me to sing to you—Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Row Row Row Your Boat, ABC’s. It was so sweet to hear your soft voice on the monitor. Your parents sent a picture of you celebrating your parents’ birthdays with a birthday dance. Music and singing and dancing are such wonderful parts of life. Music can be inspiring and comforting and entertaining and also a way to connect with other people. It is so much fun to watch you enjoy the music of life. You are quite talented! Whenever there is at least a week between times I see you I can see changes…in what you do & how mature you are. Yesterday for instance you never asked me to carry you. Although I love to carry you…it has begun to hurt my back so it would be good if that was ending! Thanksgiving was a time you got to be with your Green and Brown cousins. It was fun to watch you enjoy your cousins and dogs at the Stuedeman Thanksgiving Day event. The next day you and Eli and Maggie Rae played together & enjoyed sweeping leaves off our deck. When I was growing up I liked the Mrs. Piggly Wiggly books. She was able to convince children chores were fun. I’m still able to use her techniques to convince myself chores can be fun. Other November events: Auburn defeated Alabama in an exciting game at Auburn; we went to the 1st Birthday party for your cousin Micah Kelley where you had fun but the only thing you talked about later was the dog across the street with “big eyes” (which were a little spooky looking); you came to University Hospital while your Mom had an appointment and we saw a “Hand in Paw” dog and walked around the hospital together; you jumped on the trampoline with Madyn next door & played with Simba & Digger & Diamond (new neighbor dog). One weekend I kept you 3 nights while your Dad was out of town and your Mom was working. It was a special time to be with you, even though you were not feeling well, especially at night. I was able to rock you and hold you more than usual. I gave you medicine & held you in the steam of the bathroom & rocked you back to sleep. You are sweet even when you don’t feel well. I went with your Dad to take you to the doctor and you even enjoyed yourself there…taking pictures of your Dad and got medicine which seemed to cure your cough & fever. Tonight I’m going to spend the night with your while your wonderful parents go out to celebrate their 34 & 39 birthdays! It’s hard to believe it’s been 34 years since your mother was born!
Beautiful Eyes & Smile!

Daddy in MD Office

"Native American" hat

Raking leaves off the deck with Eli & Maggie Rae

Cook out at Home with Parents

Birthday Dance with Daddy!

Breakfast with Cousin Maggie Rae

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