Monday, July 4, 2016

May 2016...end of school year & loss of a cousin

Cheryl from Maryland-friend of Angela & Mary Michael

Cousin Myles Garver

Cousin Mallory Garver Carson


Lyla the Assistant Cook
Ballet Recital

Beautiful Ballerina
Eating food!

Early morning ride with Annie the Dog

Saturday morning with Papa

Swinging at Mt. Laurel Park

Getting DVDs at Mt. Laurel Library

Ms. Shelley's class at Mt. Laurel

Last Day of School-Favorite teacher Ms. Mary
Cleaning classroom after party

Fun time at Classmate's Backyard after School
Sabba Koplan was proud to see this!
Bath in the kitchen sink!

Beautiful Face Painting
Since this is the last month of school for both Lyla & her father, there is an awareness our routine is about to change. It has been a wonderful school year. As a September baby Lyla will not be able to start public school 1st grade until August 2018, one month before she would turn 7 years old because the cut-off birthday date is October 1. But because Lyla’s teacher Ms. Shelley evaluated Lyla as ready to start 5-year old kindergarten this August, she can also start 1st grade at Hilltop Montessori August 2017 then start 2nd grade anywhere in 2018. So regardless of where Lyla goes in 2018, plans are to be at HMS for two more years. It has been a wonderful place for Lyla to grow & learn since the first time she went in the summer of 2013 for Music Camp! May 4 was a special day at Mt. Laurel Park-Lyla was able to go across all of the “monkey bars” by herself! It was inspiring to watch her persistence & her joy at her success. On the same day Lyla ran with a group of children as they chased after helped to fly a kite in the field. It is a joy to spend mornings with Willow and afternoons with Lyla at the park. Both girls are growing up so quickly! Willow is now eating food with a spoon! I went to Mobile the weekend of Mother’s Day because cousin Myles graduated with a BA in Music from the University of South Alabama, 11 years after he graduated from high school! He sang the national anthem at the ceremony. It was a special visit with my sister’s family & my mother. On Monday I went to Angela’s early & watched Lyla ride her bike without training wheels. What a great accomplishment for a four-year-old! After a trip to Jimbo’s for cheese grits with Willow I got a text from Mike Garver that they were en route to Birmingham because Micah (the child of my niece Mary Michael, Angela’s 1st cousin) was critically ill and not expected to survive. Micah was born late at night on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2012 and was not expected to survive the day. I took a taxi to the hospital because my car was blogged by sleeping family. But he did live...until Tuesday morning May 10 2016. I’ve looked back at my blog at that time & I can’t find a mention of Micah’s birth. My blog has evolved over time and so I am mentioning his death. Mary Michael also had a baby girl die at age 12 days in May 2011, the same year Lyla was born. It has been said the death of a child is the worst thing that can happen to a person. I believe that is true. It is very sad Mary Michael has had to experience it twice. Angela & I went to the hospital on Monday night before Micah died. And Angela returned on Tuesday morning to be with the family as life support was stopped. On Tuesday Willow had another trip to Granny’s house while the maids cleaned to get ready for Nitza & Koplan arrival on Wednesday morning. Angela, Willow & I went to Micah’s funeral on Thursday and to Mary Michael’s house afterwards where Willow’s presence added a wonderful reminder that life goes on and everyone enjoyed having a baby to hold, especially Cheryl (Angela’s & MM’s friend) from Maryland and cousins Myles & Mallory. I had a few days at home until I met the extended family on Sunday May 15 at Lyla’s wonderful ballet recital! Lyla was very shy but very beautiful on the stage! It was a special celebration. The week of May 16 Willow turned 7 months & Lyla turned 4 years & 8 months. When I arrived early Monday morning the Koplan’s were already gone. I had a great day with Willow & a beautiful day at the park after picking up Lyla at school. On May 18 I fed Willow “pouch food” for the first time and watched Willow roll from back to tummy as well as tummy to back for the first time. We had spent a concentrated time practicing so it was good to see her progress! Friday, May 20 was a wonderful day with sweet morning time with Willow while Angela did errands then fun after school park-time & an early evening at Let’s Play then overnight at Granny’s. On Saturday Lyla demonstrated her “crossing monkey bars” skill at Overton Park and enjoyed Saturday evening supper at Taziki’s before going home to Daddy & Willow. Angela will be changing her work schedule by the end of summer and no longer working every weekend. I don’t know if that will change our routine of Friday nights at Granny’s but I have enjoyed our time together sleeping on the sofa bed in the den & essentially doing whatever Lyla wants to do on Saturday. The week of May 23 I had the last of a “routine” day with a wonderful day with Willow until time to pick up Lyla then a wonderful afternoon at the park until 5 pm with Lyla. Tuesday I just went to their house from 1 pm until the girls went to bed at 7:30. On Thursday I picked up Lyla after her last full day at school & stayed at the park until 5 pm. Brock was at MBHS graduation & I spent the night at Angela’s & stayed until 10:30 am Friday when I went to meet Lyla at the end of the year beach party at her school. We had an amazing time at the party where Lyla had her face painted & helped to clean the classroom after the party which earned an extra hug from Ms. Mary, her favorite teacher! While at the park after the party we were invited to go to the Bunga boys’ house for an awesome spontaneous “end of school party” with a waterslide & pizza and lots of fun with school friends. It was so fun to watch Lyla have so much fun with her friends! She slept well at our house that night after such a busy day! Saturday we watched DVDs all morning & had lunch at Johnny Rockets, shopped at Toys R Us & ended the day with supper at Panera Bread before home by 8 pm. The last day of May I went to your house early and spent the day with Willow while your Dad rode his bike to MBHS (18 miles each way!) and Angela & Lyla had a “spa day”. May 2016 ended. It was a busy month full of special times with two wonderful granddaughters! I am looking forward to a summer with some time to catch up on things (including this blog & picture album!) as well as more special times with Lyla & Willow.

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