Tuesday, August 7, 2018

June 2018-Summertime and the Living is Easy...

Marching in Birmingham Gay Pride Day Parade

Willow at Sweet Frogs

Willow, Hedgey, Paci and Phone

Sun and Sand

Awesome Dad

Awesome Pirate Cruise!

Beautiful Beach Girls

Jimbo's Regular

Beautiful Girl (and Hedgey!)

Amazingly Talented Girl!

Sisters on Trip with Parents

June was a time for projects at home, a visit with Mother and an Awesome Panama City Beach Trip! I finally unpacked most of the boxes I’ve had in the basement for almost 3 years since I emptied my UAB office in September 2015. Quite a chore since I often got side-tracked sifting through things associated with graduate school and 15 years at Samford University School of Nursing as well as 25 years at UAB Hospital! I enjoyed marching in the annual Pride Parade despite the rain! I’m glad to be part of an “inclusive community of grace”. I haven’t spent as much time with Lyla and Willow as I do during the school year since Brock is off and they have had some family trips. But I have had several wonderful days with the girls. During my wonderful week at the beach with the Rotter Family I read two books: “We were the Lucky Ones” about a family of survivors of the Holocaust & John Gresham book “Sycamore Row. I had an amazing time with the Rotters in Panama City. Angela and Brock were so easy to be with and I had a lot of time with the girls and with Angela and Brock as well as some relaxing time to myself. Brock is a great cook. And Angela is such a good planner and sweet daughter. I had a good visit with my mother in Mobile but it’s clear she is not as engaged in the world anymore. She is 98. I’m not going to do the details for the month of June as I have done for the previous months of the year. I’m on vacation! And as write this on August 7, the summer is almost over. At least so far there have been no hurricanes this summer. And the girls go back to school August 13. And I still need to update blog with July and August….maybe later!

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